
This app comes with a testproject django project to run tests, and an example app to showcase how to use the jugemaj app. We’ll show here some parts extracted from the example app.

So let’s start by creating one model. Let’s say we want a list of cats from wikidata.

We need to define the model:

class WikiDataModel(models.Model):
    """A django model to represent something available on wikidata."""
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    wikidata = models.PositiveIntegerField()

And to populate it:

req = requests.get('https://query.wikidata.org/sparql', params={'format': 'json', 'query': QUERY_CATS})
for result in req.json()['results']['bindings']:

Next, we can create an Election instance

admin = User.objects.create(username='example_admin')
election = Election.objects.create(name='Cats', creator=admin, end=now() + timedelta(days=365))

And declare our cats as candidates for it:

for cat in WikiDataModel.objects.all():
    # In a migration, we need content_type & object_id.
    # But in usual code, this would be:
    # Candidate.objects.create(election=election, object=cat)
    Candidate.objects.create(election=election, **content_type_and_object_id(cat))